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What We Are Doing To Find Solutions

The resources within the Unincorporated LA County areas are limited. Illegal waste is piling up on the streets often for months. Every morning, we start the day by driving each street, reporting the illegal dumping, graffiti, possible stolen vehicles and request resources for the homeless. For the past two days, we have watched the piles of waste increase along several locations. We have organized a Clean Up with local businesses providing the tools to remove the waste along 135th. The county will provide the dumpsters. Century Sheriff will assist with traffic. Homeless outreach providers will be in the area on Wednesday morning. Getting businesses involved in process is our quickest method at getting the waste off the streets.

The 2024 Homeless Count will be taking place on Wednesday, January 24th & Thursday, January 25th in the Harbor Gateway Area & Unincorporated LA County Area. This will be our third year as a deployment site. This morning, we took LAPD Harbor Division into the hidden areas of our community where the homeless have created housing. We are in these areas on weekly basis doing what we can to get individuals to accept services. We are also notifying all the responsible agencies of the issues.

If you are interested in helping with the Homeless Count, please visit Everyone is welcome!!

On Monday, we drove our streets identifying the problematic locations trying to figure out some alternative ways to get this garbage out of here. We See It. We are limited with resources and are using creative ways to get some of the areas addressed. Supervisor Mitchell's office and Public Works are notified almost daily of the ongoing problems. Please continue to email Kyle Lee, Community Engagement Deputy from Supervisor Mitchell's office. His email is

TheWorks App should be used for reporting Illegal Dumping, Graffiti, Non-Working Street Lights and Potholes. You can also call 888 8DUMPING.

Below is a list of all problematic locations we have reported and are waiting on scheduled clean up dates.

  1. Redondo Beach Blvd between Figueroa & San Pedro

  2. Compton Blvd between Main Street & San Pedro

  3. 131st between Broadway & Main

  4. 133rd & Broadway

  5. Avalon between Rosecrans & Redondo Beach Blvd

  6. Broadway between 135th & El Segundo

  7. ALL of Athens Way

  8. Broadway between Compton Blvd & Rosecrans

Rancho Dominguez we are still working on a complete street listing.



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