To Report or Not To Report. Graffiti impacts all of our neighborhoods. It is now a choice. We can report as soon as we see it or we can leave it & hope someone else reports it.
Typically, when graffiti is reported in the morning, it is removed the same day.
Listed below are the ways to report Graffiti for each jurisdiction. If you haven't reported graffiti or other issues, give it a try, we promise you'll see how simple & easy it is.
Unincorporated LA County Areas (East Gardena, West Rancho Dominguez, Willowbrook & Compton)
Use TheWorks app
Call 888 8DUMPING
City of Los Angeles Areas (Including Harbor Gateway)
Use MYLA311 app
Call 311
City of Gardena Areas
Use GardenaDirect App
Call 310 217 9650
As always, we are here to help.