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The Game Changer For All of Us.

Thursday, January 18th, the area of 135th & Broadway in Rosewood were cleaned up with the assistance of several local businesses. The County of Los Angeles provided dumpsters from Universal Waste Services (UWS). Both Century Sheriff & LAPD Southwest provided assistance with the street closure. Los Angeles County Fire & Golden State Water performed checks on the fire hydrants. The area around Phillips66 is now cleaned up. The RV's have not been relocated. We are working to get the service providers to this location to assist us with resources & housing options.

The individuals living in the RV's at this location all participated in the clean up. We provided additional trash bags and have requested trash bins be provided on a weekly basis until there is plan to remove the RV's. Working along side the homeless gave us the opportunity to get to know them, figure out what resources were available and get the providers to them. We will continue to monitor this area and ensure everyone has a plan. Many of these folks are ready & willing to work. We could start to utilize them to maintain our streets if we work together.

The clean up along 135th took about 3 hours and removed over 39000 tons of waste with the help of 7 homeless and 4 community volunteers. We were able to move onto 133rd & Broadway. We removed quite a bit of waste. During this clean up, we discovered 5500 Unopened Pasadena Magazines dumped under the sailboat. We contacted the magazine & the publishing company and are waiting for a reply. Cameras will be coming to this location within the next week.

Working along side our homeless, we learned the dumping is happening with unmarked trucks. We have approximate times when these individuals are coming into the area and leaving their waste. You will see us out as early as 5am doing our part to catch them. To date, we have caught 4 dumpers.

Why was this effort different than previous clean ups? This was done using volunteers and local businesses. This option provides us the ability to get the waste off the streets quicker. Please share with your neighbors and get them involved. If you are not member of the Chamber or wish to make a donation, please consider it. We are doing everything possible to reshape and protect our business corridors.



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