Clean ups will begin this morning on the Broadway corridor starting at 132nd Street and heading South to Compton Blvd. Crews from LA County Public Works, and Ocean Blue will be removing all the waste, and burned vehicles. With the help from Supervisor Mitchell's office, the blocked fire hydrants and visibility issues around driveways will be addressed. All RV's & vehicles have been advised they must move to allow 150 feet clearance around the fire hydrants and driveways. Those who do not adhere will be removed.
This clean up is a NON-Displacement. No one was asked to move or leave the area. Homeless outreach providers have been offering services & resources for the past three weeks. We will be out on the streets tomorrow and Wednesday with additional providers offering help to anyone ready to accept.
Our collaborative efforts brought Union Pacific Railroad, Phillips 66 and Robertson's Ready Mix to provide additional resources for this clean up. It really does take the village, as they say.The RV Pilot Program has not commenced yet. The county is still working on the final details. We should have more details to share soon.
In closing, several businesses have been contacting us regarding the RV's and other issues impacting your locations. There is only one person on the streets reporting the issues and finding resources. We have worked diligently to help find viable solutions in an area that had been forgotten. We can safely say we are no longer forgotten. However, we need funding. Please consider becoming a member or simply sponsoring a clean up. If you happen to belong to a different Chamber of Commerce, I would encourage you to contact them directly for assistance on your issues.
We are positively moving forward in the East Gardena/West Rancho Dominguez areas.