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None of Us Are Immune To This Act...

Crime is on the rise throughout Harbor Gateway & the Unincorporated LA County areas of Rosewood, West Rancho Dominguez & East Gardena. Buildings are being targeted for their copper wiring, pipes and back flow systems. Several weeks ago, a group targeted a vacant warehouse in the Harbor Gateway area. They destroyed the entire inside of the building leaving nothing. They proceeded to target the LADWP transformers located at the rear of this location. At this point, I brought FOXLA to the location. During the segment, the individuals came out of the building and continued to help themselves all while the camera was rolling.

We find ourselves in this same scenario. The group began disconnecting the electricity from the powerlines on Thanksgiving Day at 4pm. By 1am, they were able to access the interior of the building and began helping themselves to the copper wiring. For the past two days, I have spent time reviewing the limited camera footage from two local businesses. This information has been provided to law enforcement.

I cannot stress enough that EVERY INCIDENT impacting your business needs to be reported. For situations like two listed above call 911 immediately. Officers or Deputies will be come to your location to take the report.

Last night, as I drove the Figueroa Business corridor it was easier to count the working street lights compared to the nonworking ones. If the lights are not working on the street and there are no lights at your business, this is an invitation for trouble. Please do not allow basic resources like street lighting to go unaddressed. Reporting issues from street lighting and graffiti can be done by either using an app or making a phone call. As a reminder, listed below are all of the resources for reporting issues such as illegal dumping, graffiti, nonworking street lights, dead animal pick-up and potholes.

City of Los Angeles Streets

Use the MYLA311 app

Call 311

Unincorporated LA County Areas including East Gardena, West Rancho Dominguez, Rosewood and Rancho Dominguez

Use TheWorks app

Call 888 8DUMPING

City of Gardena Streets

Use GardenaDirect app

Call 310 217 9650

Union Pacific Railroad Property

Call 888 877 7267

The more we report the more resources are deployed.

Let's work together to stop the crime from impacting our ability to simply operate our businesses.



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