Illegal dumping is no laughing matter. However, on Friday I decided to follow someone who I suspected of dumping along railroad property next to Rosecrans Recreation Center on Vermont & 149th Street. For 22 minutes, I watched these individuals dump cement, roofing materials and wood while trying to get law enforcement to the location so that an arrest could be made.
Let me breakdown the 17 minute call to 911.
4 minute wait time until call disconnected
9 minute wait time until call was answered
4 minutes explaining the location & the issue
Suspects left before law enforcement arrived. I provided the second location where these individuals would be located.
What makes reporting complicated?
Suspects loaded their vehicle in the Unincorporated LA County area of Gardena/Rosewood which falls under Century Sheriff
The debris was dumped on Railroad & City of Los Angeles property which falls under LAPD & Union Pacific Railroad Police
I have zero tolerance for illegal dumping especially having a full understanding of all the free resources available to pick up the unwanted treasures. The majority of items dumped on our streets wind up in homeless encampments.
Listed below are all the resources to report illegal dumping, graffiti removal and nonworking street lights:
City of Los Angeles Streets
Use MYLA311 app
Call 311
Unincorporated LA County Areas (East Gardena, West Rancho Dominguez, Rosewood, & Rancho Dominguez)
Use TheWorks app
Call 888 8DUMPING
CIty of Gardena Neighborhoods
Use GardenaDirect app
Call (310) 217 9650
If you see something, please report it.