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"I Cannot Want It More Than You"

Last week, I had an uncomfortable conversation with a homeless individual who wants help but has missed every opportunity to be housed. By missing those opportunities, other folks were able to take the available slots. Now, this person remains on the street in the cold complaining that "no one cares".

"I cannot want you to be housed by doing all of the work. You have to want it more than I do"

It was one of the toughest conversations I have had in recent weeks. But it needed to happen. Getting this individual focused and understand nothing happens unless both sides are working together towards the same mission. Do you still want the help? Are you willing to do the work? This conversation helped both of us.

It dawned on me today as I was cleaning up an area along 157th & Broadway, I cannot want clean safe streets more than the businesses want it. For nearly 3 years, I have cleaned up countless areas along the Broadway, Redondo Beach Blvd, Compton Blvd & 135th corridors. The majority of the work resulted in very little financial participation from the businesses who benefit from the hard work. Often times, not even a bottle of water or a thank you. There is a parallel between the homeless individual and the business community. Both expect someone else to take care of making it happen.

In 30 minutes, I was able to push everything on the street into a large pile and submit a request to Public Works by using TheWorks app for a pick up. This was a hazmat issue due to the used motor oil and human waste placed in trash bags which prevented me from bagging it up.

The question becomes "How badly do you want to reshape the business corridors and what does your part look like?" Imagine a world without my help and what happens next.

In Unity,




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