We are not your ordinary Chamber of Commerce. We are having to tackles the issues that most chambers would not touch. We are having to literally create new resources to find quick solutions.
On Monday, we had an overdose in the blue RV. The female that passed away died on our streets in a rented RV. According to Fire Station 95, this is becoming the norm in our area. They are responding to these Medical Emergencies on a daily basis. Once the body was removed from the vehicle, the vehicle was left on the street. This is the third incident involving drugs in the last month. We notified the Sheriff's HOST team, St Joseph's Center, and HOPICS so they could contact the caseworker. The caseworker could then assist law enforcement with contacting next of kin.
On Tuesday, our day began on the Union Pacific Railroad at Gardena Blvd. An abandoned vehicle was dumped on the live railroad track. The railroad is an active member of the Chamber of Commerce and crew responded immediately. We attended a meeting with the West Athens Community Group regarding a Caltrans property currently used for container storage. The lease will soon expire and our concern is what will happen once it is vacated. For the past year, we have been working along the 105/110 freeway areas to address the chronic homeless issues. After the meeting, we drove the neighborhood to report the graffiti, illegal dumping and discovered an abandoned vehicle.
Next up, Golden State Water has begun testing the water & water pressure on the fire hydrants. The first location was Main Street & Lennon. While we were out there with the crews, they asked if we could assist on Maple. The next location where they will begin testing and replacing the hydrants. The area is completely overrun by garbage and massive amounts of wooden pallets. We made arrangements to have law enforcement provide coverage so crews can begin working in this area. Public Works was notified of the situation. Homeless outreach and mental health specialists were requested. The Sheriff's HOST team was notified as well.
We ended our night at the Compton City Council Meeting. It is more important than ever that we work together and include our neighbors in our process.
As a Chamber, we are involved with LAPD Southeast Community Police Advisory Board, LAPD Harbor Division Community Police Advisory Board, Harbor Gateway South Neighborhood Council, East Gardena Community Association, Avalon Gardena Community Group, Athen Park Concerned Citizens, Gardena PD Safety Meetings, LA Fire Dept CERT, Council District 15 Homeless Working Group and Collaborative Homeless Outreach Group.