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Homeless Outreach & Why It is Important To All of Us?

Ensuring everyone on our streets is seen and making the initial connection begins the healing process. Contact is made by myself, going RV to RV and asking what the people need in terms of services, medical help, and/or housing. I, generally start with questioning if they would use a dumpster to throw away their waste?

From this point, most are open to providing more information like name, phone number, etc. That information is then passed along to the homeless service providers. The work begins on a larger scale. Homeless outreach teams are deployed to the area and the relationship is created.

For our area, I have been actively following up with the service providers and their clients. Assisting in contacting local shelters checking on availability or finding additional resources for detox or rehab centers. It is ensuring those who are ready for the help are getting it. Our unorthodox approach has created positive results but has also been seen as overstepping our authority by some. Right now, it's about ensuring everyone has access to help.

How can you help?

Please use to submit your requests for anyone on our streets, in vehicles and/or near our freeways. Outreach teams are typically deployed within 48 hours. For ALL families with children, please use 211 or contact our office.

As of last week, several families accepted services and are no longer living in the RV's.

Starting tomorrow, (Tuesday, August 22nd), the RV Encampment Pilot Program will commence. Those individuals parked along Main Street between Compton Blvd & Rosecrans and Spring & Lennon will begin the transition from vehicles to hotels. Any RV's which is in non-working condition, has no VIN, and/or no identifiable registered owner will be removed from circulation.

We will be on the streets starting at 8am. Join us on Main Street as we support the first responders on the commencement of the pilot program. Parking is available at 15010 S Main Street starting at 8am. The clean up of this area is planned for Tuesday and Wednesday.

We are providing breakfast to the front line workers tomorrow. Feel free to join us.



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