Monday, November 6th, the HOST team along with various homeless outreach providers, LA County Homeless Initiative Office & Supervisor Mitchell's staff resumed the RV Encampment Removals. This clean up is scheduled to take place through Thursday, November 9th.
Day 1 resulted in 31 people accepting services and 14 RV's removed from circulation.

Over the weekend, we worked on securing local properties where the empty RV's could be staged until space was available the designated storage location. This effort will ensure these vehicles are removed quickly & prevents a backlog. Thank you to those local businesses that came to our rescue by opening up their properties. We currently have just under 300 RV's remaining in the East Gardena/West Rancho Dominguez area.

What I am doing to prevent the RV's from simply relocating into other areas & returning after the clean up? Every morning, we drive the streets, counting the vehicles and sometimes following them to their new parking locations. Early this morning, we had an early morning RV fire in Harbor Gateway. The RV was formerly parked in East Gardena. Law enforcement is being notified.

While I am not an outreach worker, I have a clear understanding of the process & how to get the resources to those experiencing homelessness in our areas. On Tuesday, November 7th, I will be working on the streets with those individuals transitioning from RV's to hotels. These are folks I have been working with for months and have asked me to help guide them.