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Day 3 Just Breathe.

1. Illegal Dumping

Meet one of several individuals that simply dump unwanted treasurers throughout our streets. We stumbled upon these folks in action along Compton Blvd & Staff Court. If you would like to "hire" them, they can be reached at (562) 616 2324. Feel free to share their info with your neighbors.

Please report ALL illegal dumping in the Unincorporated LA County Areas of East Gardena/West Rancho Dominguez/ Carson & Willowbrook to Adriana Ornelas at DUMPING@DPW.LACOUNTY.GOV

Videos are the best way to get an investigation started. Photos will work as well. Please include as much information (i.e. date, time, location, etc) as safely possible. Kindly include us in the email

2. Post Clean Up

The second day of the clean up and a few businesses took the opportunity to clean up their sidewalks and parkways. SHOUT OUTS to Mars Air, Stone Etc., Robertson's Ready Mix, Phillips66 for getting a jump start. For the next 30 days, RV's cannot return to the cleaned up locations.

As of Thursday morning, there are only a handful of RV's (10 RV's & 1 Boat) remaining on the Broadway Corridor. Those remaining vehicles will be subject to removal in order for the area to be cleaned up and the waste removed. Broadway between 132nd and Compton will see street sweeping once again.

How will we keep this area clear? We are asking everyone to contact their local Sheriff's Station when and if the RV's return within the next 30 days.

CENTURY SHERIFF STATION (323) 568-4800 (West Rancho Dominguez/Willowbrook)

Anything North of Rosecrans to 120th Street between the East side of Figueroa to 710 Freeway

Sgt Escamila is our contact. Email PMESCAMI@LASD.ORG

COMPTON SHERIFF STATION (310)605-6500 (East Gardena/West Rancho Dominguez)

Anything North of Alondra to South side of Rosecrans between the East side of Figueroa to the 710 Freeway

Sgt Rojas is our contact. Email L2ROJAS@LASD.ORG


Kyle Lee is our contact. Email KLEE@BOS.LACOUNTY.GOV

Isela Gracian is the homeless & housing contact. IGRACIAN@BOS.LACOUNTY.GOV

For chamber members, you can contact me

Reporting is going to the key to keeping the corridor clean & safe. Every incident, small or large should be reported.

3. NO Sugar Coating.

With every clean street that is cleaned up, another street takes the hit. There are a staggering 450+ RV's throughout the area. Broadway saw the 149 vehicles relocate to Redondo Beach Blvd, Compton Blvd, Lennon & Spring,157th, and Avalon.

We were/are literally following the RV's as they are being towed around from one area to the another. We have been able to identify those employed to watch & protect the RV rentals. As an example, one RV was removed by the "landlord" but the renter was left on the sidewalk. Allegedly, he was protecting his asset and simply moved it to the another area. Another incident, burned RV from Avalon dumped on Broadway. We were able to identify the person(s) who relocated burnt RV. There is a lot happening out here on the streets. The Sheriff's HOST team and Public Works are aware of the relocations.

Expect things to get worse until the RV Pilot Program Commences. With that said, the three areas that were cleaned up in May have remained clear. The areas cleaned up in February are now overrun by the RV's. The next round of clean ups are being planned. Everything is on hold until the county identifies the property where the nonworking, unregistered RV's can be placed and housing options for those in the RV's is secured.


Kyle Lee is our contact. Email KLEE@BOS.LACOUNTY.GOV

April Johnson is another contact. Email APJOHNSON@BOS.LACOUNTY.GOV

Isela Gracian is the homeless & housing contact. IGRACIAN@BOS.LACOUNTY.GOV

Keep sending the emails.

As a sidenote, the CHP handles ALL traffic related issues throughout the Unincorporated LA County areas. This includes RV's which are blocking traffic.

Please contact CHP Dispatch at (323) 259-3200 or (424) 551-4000.

For all crime related issues, contact your local Sheriff's Department.

Compton Sheriff (310) 605-6500

Century Sheriff (323) 568-4800

We will provide updates on the next clean up schedule once we have the information.

4. Community Engagement

Thursday, July13th is the first meeting of the new board for the Harbor Gateway South Neighborhood Council. I will be serving as board member representing our areas. The meetings take place the second Thursday of every month at 630p.

Come out and join us. For more information, visit

More to follow....



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