In October, the Los Angeles City Council honored Green Meadows All-Stars as they secured their FIRST citywide championship title in both Minor & Major divisions in the Spring of 2023 PLAYLA Baseball League. Hearing their stories of overcoming adverse conditions while practicing on the field, learning to lay flat during drive by shootings and other issues, I knew we needed to do more for these kids. The Green Meadows Recreation Center is located in LA City Council District 9 and shares a boundary with Supervisor Mitchell District 2. Many of the children live in the Florence Firestone neighborhood. We were able to raise funds for an In N Out food truck and are working with Nike for some donated uniform pieces. When we reached out to the park asking what we could do for the kids, they were surprised we wanted to help since this is not an area we cover. This could be any of our neighborhoods. These could be our children. We are committed to reshaping our communities into safer, cleaner, healthier areas.
To watch the LA City Council Meeting from October 27th, click this link
Start the meeting at 47:30
Please join us as we honor & celebrate the All-Stars on Saturday, February 10th from 10a-12p. If you would like to sponsor a child for the Spring/Summer Program, your donation of $20 covers all the fees. The donation will go directly to LAParks. We are working on a link.

This Tuesday, January 23, the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners will be holding a Special Meeting in Southeast Los Angeles. This is the first meeting taking place in our area. If you live or work in Council Districts 15,9 or 8, please join us. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and share your concerns on issues impacting our neighborhoods. The communities of Harbor Gateway, Harbor City, Wilmington, San Pedro and Watts we need your participation.
The address for the meeting is 10950 South Central Ave Los Angeles 90059. Meeting start at 6pm. Doors open at 5:30pm.
On Tuesday, January 23, the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners will be holding a Special Meeting in Southeast Los Angeles. This is the first meeting taking place in our area. If you live or work in Council District 15,9 or 8, please join us. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and share your concerns on issues impacting our neighborhoods. The communities of Harbor Gateway, Harbor City, Wilmington, San Pedro and Watts we need your participation.
The address for the meeting is 10950 South Central Ave Los Angeles 90059. Meeting start at 6pm. Doors open at 5:30pm.
The 2024 Homeless Count takes place on Wednesday, January 24th and January 25th. The Harbor Gateway Chamber is once again a Deployment Site for Wednesday's count in Harbor Gateway. We will be out of the office on Wednesday & Thursday.
On Tuesday, January 16th, we participated in LAPD Harbor Division Community Police Advisory Board Meeting. Captain McGuire provided an update on the issues impacting Harbor Gateway South, Harbor City, Wilmington & San Pedro. We were introduced to a new program launching February 1st by the City of Los Angeles called LA CIRCLE.
CIRCLE, "a 24/7 unarmed response program that deploys a team of mental health professionals and individuals with lived experience to address non-violent LAPD calls related to unhoused individuals experiencing crisis". Currently, this is only available within the City of Los Angeles. To read more about the program, click the link
To contact LA CIRCLE, call the LAPD Non-Emergency number 877 ASK LAPD.