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Cleaning Up Rosewood.

On Monday, March 4th, clean ups resumed along 135th Street & Broadway and 131st between Broadway & Main Street including Spring Street. These areas were overrun with rampant crime, dilapidated RV's, Illegal Dumping, Compromised Fire Hydrants and stolen vehicles.

135th Street & Broadway became a safety concern for our community. RV's, nonworking passenger vehicles, illegal dumping blocking sidewalks & fire hydrants and multiple fires next to the Phillips66 facility. We partnered with Robertson's Ready Mix, Phillips66 for heavy duty equipment so we could remove all the waste. Universal Waste Services provided an endless supply of dumpsters to help us accomplish this operation. We asked those individuals living in this area to help with the clean up. This gave us an opportunity to help them get connected to services. We provided the HOST team with the names of those folks who were ready for the help. Six weeks later, we were able to successfully start the housing journey for a family of 6 and 4 individuals. 135th is now clean & safe. 7 RV's were removed & destroyed. Century Sheriff has increased patrols in this area.

131st Street between Main & Broadway was an entirely different beast. We had attempted to do a Community Clean Up in December and had to stop due to safety issues. The majority of those living in this location were all resistant to any type of help. Illegal dumpers were bringing their waste and paying the homeless not to turn them in. Trash lined the sidewalks. Vehicles were being stripped. This location took a year of constant reporting before it was addressed & cleaned up. 6 RV's were removed & destroyed, 9 stolen vehicles were recovered. Today, the area is clean. Century Sheriff has added patrols. RV's have attempted to return. However, when they return, local businesses are contacting the Sheriff's dept immediately.

As reminder, listed below are the contact information for each law enforcement agency in the Unincorporated LA County Areas.

  • Century Sheriff (323) 568 4800

  • Compton Sheriff (310) 605 6500

  • Carson Sheriff (310) 830 1123

  • CHP South LA. (424) 551 4000



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