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Chronic Location 133rd & Broadway.

133rd & Broadway is a chronic hotspot for Illegal Dumping. Items like boats, furniture, used construction materials, roofing, pallets, human waste wrapped in blankets, buckets of stuff, Amazon packages, and gardening waste. We were fortunate to have additional resources on Thursday which enabled us to start removing the waste. During the removal, we found 5500 copies of Pasadena Magazine still wrapped in plastic. We have reached out to the magazine & the publisher. In this video, it was such a pungent scent that caught us all by surprise. I couldn't help but share in the video. Somehow, we still managed to find some humor in this mess.

On Saturday afternoon, we caught a hauler dumping on Broadway near the remaining piles. We stopped and made him pick it up. We have not seen any dumping on Sunday. We received reports that an unmarked dump truck is bringing the dirt to the location between 530-6a. So far, we have not seen them.

Cameras are scheduled to be installed next week by the Sheriff's Dept. This should mitigate the dumping.

To report waste on the streets and/or graffiti in the Unincorporated LA County Areas please use the following resources:

  • TheWorks App

  • Call 888 8DUMPING

Should you see an illegal dumping in progress, call your local Sheriff's Dept

  • Century Sheriff (323)568 4800

  • Compton Sheriff (310) 605 6500

  • Carson Sheriff (310) 830 1123

If you can SAFELY take photos or videos, please email them to DUMPING@DPW.LACOUNTY.GOV



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