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Broadway Corridor Clean Up Day 1

Our morning started on 132nd and Broadway (aka Ground Zero). What made today different was a year ago, we did not have all of these resources or agencies working together. The partnerships created over the past 18 months solidified our commitment to improving the quality of life. We are can officially say "We Are No Longer Forgotten"

Supervisor Holly J Mitchell's office was represented by April Johnson, Union Pacific Railroad Police Officers, CityNet, (homeless service provider from Orange, Ca.), LA County Public Works, LA County CEO's office, and St Joseph's Center are huddled in this photo. This was a first time several of these agencies had worked together. It has been about creating these partnerships.

Homeless Outreach service providers from HOPICS, Harbor Interfaith, St Joseph's Center, CityNet, City of Gardena, LAHSA and LASD HOST Team continued to collaborate & support the needs of those experiencing homelessness in the Unincorporated LA County Areas of East Gardena, West Rancho Dominguez & Willowbrook.

Meet Sgt Suarez (left) and Lt Kitchins (right) from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Homeless Outreach Services Team (aka HOST). Their mission is to positively impact the homeless crisis in the county, while increasing public safety and preserving the rights and dignity of persons experiencing homelessness. They are truly making our streets cleaner, safer and healthier with their efforts.

People make the difference. Meet John Davis(Left), President of Avalon Gardens Community Association and Rudy Gonzalez(Right), BoardMember of Harbor Gateway South Neighborhood Council. These two individuals work tirelessly to improve the quality of life in our communities. They are on our streets daily, helping report the issues and getting services to our unhoused.

From left to right, meet Lani from St Joseph's Center, Dianna from the City of Gardena Homeless Services, April from Supervisor Holly J Mitchell and David from Harbor Gateway Chamber of Commerce.

Today's clean up was about connecting people with one purpose. The clean ups are the bonus. We brought 49 people from 17 different businesses and agencies together.

Tomorrow, we will provide updates on the progress of the clean ups and address some of the concerns with the relocations of the RV's. Everyone is VERY aware of the RV's moving into areas that were previously cleaned up. The RV Pilot Program has not commenced yet. We are hopeful to hear something soon from Supervisor Holly J Mitchell's office.

In the meantime, here are the contacts from Supervisor Holly J Mitchell's office you should be contacting with your concerns, feedback and gratitude.

Supervisor Holly J Mitchell's Office

  • April Johnson, Assistant Director Constituent Services APJOHNSON@BOS.LACOUNTY.GOV

  • Kyle Lee, Deputy Constituent Services East Gardena/West Rancho Dominguez KLEE@BOS.LACOUNTY.GOV

  • Isela Gracian, Senior Deputy Homelessness & Housing. IGRACIAN@BOS.LACOUNTY.GOV



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