Clean Up along the Broadway Corridor will begin on Tuesday, July 11th starting at 9am. The current plan is to remove all of the debris and piles of construction materials starting at 132nd & Broadway heading south to Compton Blvd. This is a non-displacement clean up. The county will be removing the burned RV's and red tagging any vehicle(s) blocking fire hydrants.
Homeless outreach teams from the Los Angeles Sheriff's HOST team, LAHSA, HOPICS & St Joseph's Center have been working the area for the past two weeks preparing those living in the RV's and on the streets for the upcoming clean up. Resources & services have been offered to anyone in the impacted area.
The area along the Phillp's 66 complex has been a concern for us with the uptick in vehicle fires impacting this area. The clean up happening on Tuesday will be a collaborative effort with Union Pacific Railroad, Phillip's66,& Robertson's Ready Mix providing additional resources to secure the area. We have been working to create stronger partnerships with all local businesses and agencies to help address the chronic issues impacting the business corridor.
On Tuesday, we will be providing the crews an early breakfast compliments of Farmer Boys & Starbucks.