On Thursday, December 28th during our afternoon drive, we discovered metal barrels labeled as "Hazardous" leaking on 133rd Street and onto Broadway. The labels indicated lung damage. We called 911 and fire station 95 was on-scene quick. A hazmat team was deployed and took 4 hours to determine the liquids in the barrels were some type of detergent. The barrels were removed that evening.
We are asking for your help with reporting the piles of waste sitting our streets throughout the Unincorporated LA County areas.
Here are all the resources and email contacts to utilize.
The Works App
Call 888 8DUMPING
Email dumping@dpw.lacounty.gov
Please send an email to Kyle Lee, Constituent Engagement Deputy from Supervisor Mitchell's office. klee@bos.lacounty.gov Remember to include the address of the issue.
Supervisor Holly J Mitchell Email is HollyJMitchell@bos.lacounty.gov
Blocked Fire Hydrants contact Captain Ruelas at Richard.ruelas@fire.lacounty.gov
Compton Sheriff's Dept (310) 605 6500
Century Sheriff's Dept (323) 568 4800
Carson Sheriff's Dept (310) 830 1123
Please feel free to include me in your email communication. david@thehgcc.com
I will be working again with the Dept of Justice Environmental Crimes Unit to help us address all of these issues. I will provide more details in a future post.
As you can see, this work is not easy. We rely on memberships and support from the business community. Please consider becoming a member or make a donation to help keep us on the streets.
We have made progress throughout the areas of East Gardena/West Rancho Dominguez, and Willowbrook.
Figueroa Street between Alondra & El Segundo (3 years ago 284 RV's lined the area)
Athens Way between 129-131st (1 year ago, 19 RV's)
Compton Blvd between Figueroa & Broadway (8 months ago 19 RV's lined the area)
Main Street between Compton Blvd & Rosecrans (6 months ago 67 RV's)
San Pedro between Redondo Beach Blvd & Avalon (6 months ago 19 RV's)
Broadway between Redondo Beach Blvd & Alondra (3 months ago 15 RV's)
Main Street between 157th & Alondra (3 months ago 29 RV's)
157th between Figueroa & San Pedro (3 months ago 21 RV's)
We still have a long road ahead. The following areas are our greatest concern. We are reporting the issues twice a day.
Compton Blvd between Main & San Pedro
Redondo Beach Blvd between Figueroa & San Pedro
131st between Broadway & Main
Broadway between 135th & El Segundo
Athens Way East including 132nd, 131st, 130th
Avalon between 135th & Rosecrans
All of Rancho Dominguez